Saturday, September 19, 2015

Webb Bridge Park - Alpharetta, GA

Park Day Tuesday
This week's park we decided to visit was 

Webb Bridge Park
Alpharetta, GA

Let me just say that we have yet to find a disappointing park in Alpharetta...

The park was located at the end of Webb Bridge Road and was so cozy and "wood-sy."

The road is one-way and there was only one small sign with arrows to indicate locations of features, but once I drove around the circle a few times, haha, we found everything we were looking for!

photo source: google maps

I had to include this map to show you just how huge this park is!

Our first stop on the playground was the awesome digging area! All of these toys were here and available for the kids to use.
We spent A LONG time here ;)

The playground had stairs, ladders, tunnels, slides, and lots of unique features that Austin had a blast exploring!

We had a little rain shower interrupt our park time but fortunately they had this pavilion area AND we packed lunch... so it worked out!
(p.s. representing the "U dub" - UWG whoop whoop!)

AFter the rain shower, we checked out the trails! There are multiple entry points and plenty of parking along the way.
The only "issue" we had was that it is all gravel and I packed the regular stroller for Porter.
Pack a jogging/all-terrain stroller if you want to walk the trails!

We can't wait to come back in mid-fall and check out these wooded trails when the leaves change!
Yay for Fall!

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